Deadline for Southwind Submissions

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Deadline for Southwind Submissions

How to Publish your Event

Send your submissions to Your submission MUST include a complete event article as well as a signed, completed Event Form filed with the Kingdom Seneschal, the Kingdom Calendar Officer and the Kingdom Chronicler.

Deadline – These must be submitted no later than midnight the first of the month directly before the month the event is held (eg. for an event in July, the deadline is midnight June 1st). Late submissions may not be published.

Maximum size is 7.75″ wide by 4.75″ high – submit text or a display advert. (Display adverts are encouraged)

For Text – Use a single font, minimum 9pt; basic formatting OK (bullets, bold, underlines); do not use tabs or create columns. Attached MS word, .txt or Open Office files are preferred.

Display Advert – Use WHITE BACKGROUNDS and LINE DRAWING images (to make it readable in print and online). Minimum fonts size is 8pt, larger is preferred. Chose fonts wisely as some ornate fonts are VERY hard to read when printed. Electronic formats, in order of preference, are: .pdf, .doc, .pub, .jpg

Art & Creative Works All art submitted with flyers must have permission to publish. This information should be included in the email accompanying your flyer. All original creative works, including cover or filler art, writing or photos must be accompanied by the correct release form. Flyers containing art obtained from public domain sources must submit source of art.

Event articles must contain the following minimum information

· Event date (day, month and legal year)

· Sponsoring group’s name

· Site name, street address, city, state and zip code

· Exact site opening and closing times

· Event Steward(s) name (SCA and modern) and contact information

· Site fee(s), including $5 non-member surcharge. Include the following phrase “Make checks payable to: SCA, Inc/your group name”

· BRIEF details such as directions to the site, event activities and any merchant information.


If you do not receive a receipt from the Chronicler, Calendar Officer, or Seneschal by the 2nd of the month, please resend your submission.

A Kingdom Calendar Event must be listed on the Atenveldt Kingdom Calendar published in the Southwind. Check that your event is listed; if it is not contact the Kingdom Calendar Officer at to confirm your event.

Remember awards, law changes and other Official Kingdom business can only be conducted at events published on the Atenveldt Kingdom Calendar in the Southwind.